
All the posts unfit for blogging

In the proud tradition of online FAQs, this list of answers is only marginally influenced by any actual questions.

What's this blog built atop?

The most recent incarnation of this web site is written in org mode, compiled to HTML with weblorg and numerous customizations, and published with s3websiterevived. I write with my own custom emacs init.el after branching out from spacemacs.

I write code in spacemacs, use Jekyll for templating and static HTML generation, and host the content over S3 using s3_website.

Jekyll, git, and some custom hooks and small scripts gleaned from another blogger's workflow, written in spacemacs. You can read all about it on this very blog.

Which Linux Distro?

I use NixOS on both servers and personal machines now; anything less feels inferior. The following list was my prior answer:

  • I put Arch on my personal machines because I like simple, rolling distributions that stay up-to-date.
  • Where possible, I try and use NixOS because the core functionality of nix is tremendously ahead of its time. The learning curve is steep, but the payoff is profound.
  • When I need a more hands-off Linux desktop, I like to use Fedora, because it's similarly agressive about staying current.
  • I usually send those new to Linux to Mint.
  • I used a lot of CentOS, Gentoo, Debian, Kali, and Ubuntu in the past, but not so much any more.

Can I re(print|blog|post) an article from this blog?

Sure, just attribute it to me. If you're reprinting something in a third-party publication, I'd like a heads-up and request for permission as well.

What qualifies you to write about this stuff?

Judge me based upon the quality of my content.

I have a great deal of experience with a wide variety Linux distributions, and have been a part of the open source community for a long time. I've been involved in IT, systems engineering, and security for a while now as well.

I wouldn't call myself an expert per se, but I try to submerge myself sufficiently in different technologies and topics to the extent that I feel competent enough to educate/explain concepts to others.

I'd love to get any additional insight others may have, so feel free to either comment on relevant posts on this blog or contact me directly with additional feedback, corrections, or general inquiries.