
All the posts unfit for blogging

« Blog Architecture Redux »

  • 27 January, 2025
  • 808 words
  • 3 minute read time

There's a common joke out there that bloggers will write more about their blogging system than actual content.

Blog is dead, long live Blog

My first post that explains how I write my blog is hilariously outdated now. Between then and now, my process has been:

The aforementioned blog post outlined self-hosting static assets on a VPS, which is a stupid architecture with modern object storage options. Static hosting on S3 alleviates any scaling or availability concerns.

What I didn't like

I found myself dissuaded from writing for a few reasons:

  • Authoring Markdown is annoying. I mostly use org mode these days, which is empirically a better markup format. It's much easier to write code samples, preview formatting, and work with metadata.
  • Syntax highlighting is hard to get right. I'd write code in my editor and whatever-the-hell Jekyll likes to use would look different. I want HTML-rendered code to look the same as when I wrote it.
  • I really dislike working in Ruby these days. I prefer Rust if the use case is Very Important, but a language with less obnoxious patterns would make me more inclined to improve my blog. This doesn't matter if you aren't working in the plumbing of the static generation, but I am. And if I'm giving up strong typing, I might as well have as much power that I can get.

Don't Say Org Mode

It's org-mode now. The new setup works like this:

  • Author blog posts in org mode. One file per post, I don't write anything HTML-specific.
  • Use an emacs package called weblorg to turn my org-mode files into web pages. If you've worked with org mode before, you know emacs is capable of exporting org-mode buffers to HTML. This works but lacks many needs for an actual blogging web site (think: templating, slugs, and so on). weblorg is a veneer over org-mode's HTML export functions.
    • I have… a significant number of customizations on top of weblorg. I'll include them here if you want to follow my example.
  • Use the newer s3_website_revived to sync the site into S3 and reconfigure Cloudfront.
Don't Keep Talking About Org Mode

I wanted to write org files instead of md files but there were extra benefits:

  • Through htmlize I get a one-to-one style export from my source code blocks to generated HTML and CSS. I don't pretend to understand how htmlize can translate editor fonts identically to CSS, I just smile nervously and move along.
  • Writing Ruby in 2025 with the mental degradation inherent to my mid-30s brain was an exercise in frustration. weblorg lacks many features I need but emacs lisp is nothing else if not a language explicitly designed to be torn apart and stitched back together. I've replaced every feature that I missed from Jekyll by shuffling up either weblorg or org-mode functions (often times with a hammer like advice-add.)

I don't recommend this setup. It's completely reliant on emacs and I don't think anyone else would enjoy working this way except for me. But I'm here to report it works.

Other Release Notes

Welcome to my 2025 blog! I also updated:

  • CSS, using the latest Pico release
  • Several pages with either old architectures or techniques that needed revision
  • My own tone to be more reflective of my current attitude (less exuberance and more terse skepticism)

Happy new year!

Appendix A: weblorg Functions

weblorg misses several functions you need to emulate a Jekyll-like experience. These functions may be useful to others.

Post Metadata

This snippet:

  • Font to highlight Lisp quotes.
  • Font used to highlight strings.
  • Font used to highlight builtins.
  • Font used to highlight function names.
 :name "posts"
 :input-pattern "posts/*.org"
 :template "post.html"
 :output "_site/{{ file_slug }}/index.html"
 :input-aggregate #'weblorg-input-aggregate-with-navigation
 :input-parser #'tjl/weblorg-parse-org-file-extras
 :url "/{{ file_slug }}/")

Enriches posts in two ways:

  • In aggregate with #'weblorg-input-aggregate-with-navigation
  • Per-file with #'tjl/weblorg-parse-org-file-extras
Aggregate Functions

The #'weblorg-input-aggregate-with-navigation function adds "next" and "previous" metadata to posts; pretty important for site navigation.

  • Font used to highlight strings.
  • Font used to highlight function names.
  • Font to highlight Lisp quotes.
  • Font used to highlight built-in function names.
  • Font used to highlight documentation embedded in program code. It is typically used for special documentation comments or strings.
  • Font used to highlight function names.
  • Font used to highlight keywords.
(defun weblorg-input-aggregate-with-navigation (posts)
  "Add next and previous links to each post in POSTS.
POSTS should be sorted in reverse chronological order (newest first).
Returns a list in the same format as weblorg-input-aggregate-each."
  (let* ((sorted-posts (sort (copy-sequence posts) #'weblorg--compare-posts-desc))
         (len (length sorted-posts)))
    (cl-loop for i from 0 below len
             for post = (nth i sorted-posts)
             (let ((post-with-nav (copy-alist post)))
               (when (> i 0)
                 (let ((next-post (nth (1- i) sorted-posts)))
                   (push (cons "next"
                               `(("title" . ,(cdr (assoc "title" next-post)))
                                 ("file_slug" . ,(cdr (assoc "file_slug" next-post)))))
               (when (< i (1- len))
                 (let ((prev-post (nth (1+ i) sorted-posts)))
                   (push (cons "prev"
                               `(("title" . ,(cdr (assoc "title" prev-post)))
                                 ("file_slug" . ,(cdr (assoc "file_slug" prev-post)))))
               `(("post" . ,post-with-nav))))))

The links to the sides of post titles and navigation links at the bottom of blog posts use these titles and slugs to construct links.

Per-Post Functions

I use #'tjl/weblorg-parse-org-file-extras as an input parser for weblorg-compatible org files to get:

  • Excerpts
    • In Jekyll, you enter two empty lines ("\n\n") to signify an "excerpt", or the part of a post you'd include as a preview. My code uses all content leading up to the first org horizontal ruler markup (-----)
    • I also make this cleaner by trimming the superfluous horizontal rule when generating actual HTML so it disappears on export.
  • Word count
    • Not hard, but made a little smarter by excluding non-prose.
  • Read time
    • Apparently consensus is that you can divide by 233 to get (roughly) the time it takes to read content. This is probably inaccurate, but I'm okay with that.
  • Basic font for unvisited links.
  • Font used to highlight type and class names.
  • Font for backslashes in Lisp regexp grouping constructs.
  • Font used to highlight builtins.
  • Font used to highlight constants and labels.
  • Font to highlight quoted Lisp symbols.
  • Font used to highlight strings.
  • Font used to highlight comments.
  • Font used to highlight comment delimiters.
  • Font used to highlight function names.
  • Font used to highlight built-in function names.
  • Font used to highlight documentation embedded in program code. It is typically used for special documentation comments or strings.
  • Font used to highlight function names.
  • Font used to highlight keywords.
(defun tjl/weblorg-parse-org-file-extras (input-path)
  "Like weblorg--parse-org but more fields for static site gen."
  (let* ((input-data (with-temp-buffer
                       (insert-file-contents input-path)
         (org-tree (with-temp-buffer
                     (insert input-data)
         ;; I desperately wish that I didn't have to parse it twice,
         ;; but the interaction between `copy-tree` and
         ;; `org-element-map` is unreliable.
         (excerpt-tree (org-remove-image-links
                           (insert input-data)
         ;; Get standard parse results
         (keywords (with-temp-dir-file tmpfile "tjl-weblorg"
                                       (file-name-base input-path)
                                        (remove-first-horizontal-rule org-tree))
                                       (weblorg--parse-org-file tmpfile)))
         (words (org-prose-word-count org-tree))
         ;; Convert excerpt tree back to org syntax
         (excerpt-org (when excerpt-tree
                          (insert (org-element-interpret-data excerpt-tree))
    ;; If we got an excerpt, parse it to HTML and add to keywords
    (when excerpt-org
      (let ((excerpt-html 
               (insert excerpt-org)
               (org-export-as 'html nil nil t))))
        (push (cons "excerpt" excerpt-html) keywords)))
    (push (cons "words" (cl-format nil "~:d" words)) keywords)
    (push (cons "reading_minutes" (max 1 (/ words 233))) keywords)

(defun org-prose-word-count (element)
  "Count words in prose sections of an org-mode ELEMENT tree.
ELEMENT should be the result of `org-element-parse-buffer'.
Returns number of words in regular paragraphs, excluding source blocks,
drawers, and other metadata."
  (let ((word-count 0))
    (org-element-map element '(paragraph plain-text)
      (lambda (elem)
        ;; Only process paragraphs that aren't inside special blocks
        (when (and (eq (org-element-type elem) 'paragraph)
                   (not (member (org-element-type (org-element-property :parent elem))
                                '(src-block example-block verse-block
                                            quote-block center-block comment-block
                                            drawer property-drawer keyword))))
          (cl-incf word-count
                    (org-element-interpret-data elem))))))

(defun count-words-string (str)
  "Count words in STR, considering only regular prose words."
    (insert str)
    ;; Remove any remaining org markup
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (while (re-search-forward "\\[\\[.*?\\]\\]\\|\\[.*?\\]" nil t)
      (replace-match " "))
    ;; Count remaining words
    (count-words (point-min) (point-max))))

(defun remove-first-horizontal-rule (tree)
  "Remove the first horizontal rule from an org-element tree.
The tree should be obtained from `org-element-parse-buffer'."
  (let ((found nil))
    (org-element-map tree 'horizontal-rule
      (lambda (hr)
        (unless found
          (setq found t)
           (org-element-create 'paragraph))))
      nil nil t))

(defun weblorg--find-horizontal-rule (tree)
  "Find first horizontal rule in parsed org TREE.
Returns the position of the horizontal rule, or nil if none found."
  (org-element-map tree 'horizontal-rule
    (lambda (hr)
      (org-element-property :begin hr))
    nil t)) ; use t to stop after first match

(defun weblorg--truncate-tree-at-pos (tree pos)
  "Truncate org element TREE at position POS."
  (org-element-map tree '(section paragraph plain-list table special-block)
    (lambda (element)
      (let ((elem-end (org-element-property :end element)))
        (when (<= elem-end pos)
    nil nil nil t)) ; Keep all matches, don't filter nil

(defun weblorg--extract-excerpt-from-tree (tree)
  "Extract excerpt from org TREE up to first horizontal rule.
Returns the excerpt as a new org element tree."
  (let ((hr-pos (weblorg--find-horizontal-rule tree)))
    (if hr-pos
        (weblorg--truncate-tree-at-pos tree hr-pos)
      tree))) ; If no horizontal rule, use entire tree

(defmacro with-temp-dir-file (file-var prefix name content &rest body)
  "Create a temporary file in a new directory, execute BODY, then clean up.
FILE-VAR is bound to the temp file path during execution.
PREFIX and SUFFIX are passed to `make-temp-file'.
CONTENT is written to the file before BODY executes."
  (declare (indent 1))
  (let ((temp-dir-sym (make-symbol "temp-dir")))
    `(let* ((,temp-dir-sym (make-temp-file ,prefix t))
            (,file-var (expand-file-name ,name ,temp-dir-sym)))
             (with-temp-file ,file-var
               (insert ,content))
         (delete-directory ,temp-dir-sym t)))))

(defun org-remove-image-links (element)
  "Remove all image link elements from an org-element tree.
ELEMENT is the root of the tree, as returned by `org-element-parse-buffer'.
Returns a new tree with all image links removed."
  (org-element-map element t
    (lambda (node)
      (when (and (eq 'link (org-element-type node))
                 (string-match-p (rx bos (or "file" "http" "https"))
                                 (org-element-property :type node))
                 (string-match-p (rx "." (or "jpg" "jpeg" "png" "gif" "svg" "webp") eos)
                                 (org-element-property :path node)))
        (org-element-extract-element node)))
    nil nil t)

So much easier than relying on pre-built Jekyll functions. I'm choking up because I'm happy, not because I spent days converting markdown posts to org-mode.